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NILGOSC’s 2020/21 voting record published

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NILGOSC has undertaken a range of activities to promote positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.

NILGOSC is committed to responsible investment, and has undertaken a range of activities to promote positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.  This includes exercising NILGOSC’s right to vote at investee company meetings, which is a pivotal tool through which shareholders can voice their opinion and act as good stewards. 

The most recent peak voting period finished at the end of June, and during the 12 months to 30 June 2021 NILGOSC cast 2,222 votes at a total of 185 meetings, held by 163 globally listed companies.  Of the 22 countries in which the companies were located, the two regions in which most resolutions were filed were: North America (907 resolutions over 74 meetings); and the UK and Ireland (508 resolutions over 38 meetings). 

In total, 33.32% of all votes cast were made against management recommendations, which demonstrates that NILGOSC is more active in expressing concerns through voting at corporate meetings than the average shareholder (who demonstrates an average dissent level of 4.88%).  Only 3.06% of resolutions were proposed by shareholders (up from 2.71% reported last year) providing an important tool for shareholders wishing to exact change.  NILGOSC believes that these resolutions should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, supporting proposals that are compatible with NILGOSC’s policies and are in the best interests of shareholders.

A report with full details of NILGOSC’s voting activities is available on our Annual voting review page.

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