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Department for Communities propose to change the date of the annual revaluation in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland)

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The Department for Communities is consulting on changes to the LGPS Regulations (NI) 2014 to change the annual revaluation date from 1 April to 6 April.

The Department for Communities is consulting on changes to the LGPS Regulations (NI) 2014 to change the annual revaluation date from 1 April to 6 April.

This is to mitigate against the impact of high inflation on the LGPS (NI) revaluation this year and consequent tax liabilities arising as a result. These tax liabilities would arise because the timing of the LGPS revaluation on 1 April is not aligned with HMRC’s process for assessing the annual allowance tax charge. The proposed change would bring this into alignment. The Department for Communities is seeking views on draft Regulations which introduce this change.

The Department welcomes views on the proposals from all interested parties.

For any enquiries about this consultation, please email the Department at: or write to:

Consultation opened on 10 March 2023.

Closing date 24 March 2023 at 17:00.

LGPS (NI) Consultation,
Department for Communities,
Local Government & Housing Regulation Division,
Level 4, Causeway Exchange,
1-7 Bedford Street,
Town Parks,

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