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Department for Communities Consultation on the McCloud Remedy in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland)

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The Department for Communities is consulting on supplementary issues relating to the McCloud remedy and seeking views on draft scheme regulations to implement the remedy.

This consultation seeks views on changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme in Northern Ireland (LGPS (NI)).

Following a consultation in 2020/21 to remove unlawful discrimination found by the Courts in the ‘McCloud’ case, the Department is now seeking further views on issues relating to the McCloud remedy.

The Department is also seeking views on draft scheme regulations which would implement the remedy.

Consultation Description

It is proposed that the McCloud discrimination is addressed in the LGPS (NI) by extending ‘underpin’ protection to the younger members of the scheme. The courts found that younger members had been treated unlawfully. In the LGPS (NI), the underpin had been the means through which transitional protection was provided to older members.

In this consultation, views are being sought on specific issues regarding the remedy and responses are welcome from across the LGPS (NI) community on these issues. Some points are issues that were covered in the 2020/21 consultation, where the Department wants to obtain further views before making final decisions (for example, aggregation and flexible retirement). Others are issues for the LGPS (NI) that the Department has not previously consulted on (for example, compensation and interest).

How to Respond to the Consultation

The Department is accepting responses by post or email:

Write to:
LGPS (NI) Consultation,
Department for Communities
Local Government & Housing Regulation
Level 4,
Causeway Exchange,
1-7 Bedford Street,
Town Parks,
Belfast, BT2 7EG

Or email:

Consultation Documents

The consultation documents are available to download at: Consultation on the McCloud Remedy in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) – Supplementary issues and draft regulations | Department for Communities

NILGOSC has published its response to this consultation (*PDF, 222KB)

Consultation opened on 27 July 2023.

Closing date 01 September 2023 at 23:59.

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