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Encouraging 2023 PRI assessment scores released

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In January 2024, NILGOSC received its Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment report for the year ended 31 March 2023.

Demonstrating its commitment to responsible investment practices, NILGOSC has been a signatory to the PRI since 2007. The PRI was established with the support of the United Nations in 2006 as an international network of investors working together to implement six aspirational ESG Principles. The global body provides a forum for NILGOSC to collaborate with other like-minded investors on engagement initiatives; and, in order to remain a signatory, NILGOSC reports on its implementation of the PRI’s principles through mandatory annual reporting.

The reporting framework was overhauled by the PRI in 2020; and there was no reporting cycle in 2022. NILGOSC resumed reporting against the principles in 2023, reporting on the year to 31 March 2023.

The overhauled reporting framework continues to assess: each organisation’s overarching approach to responsible investment; the integration of responsible investment in manager selection, appointment and monitoring; and active ownership within each asset class, including engagement and proxy voting. Assessments are awarded scores based on a scale of 1-5 stars; with 1 star being the lowest score and 5 stars being the highest.

In January 2024, NILGOSC received its assessment report for the year ended 31 March 2023, demonstrating positive results for the year. NILGOSC performed either in line with or above the median of signatory scores in the majority of the areas assessed: receiving a 5 Star rating for the ‘Policy Governance and Strategy’ module and 4 stars for the ‘Confidence Building Measures’ module. For the six sub-categories assessed as part of the ‘Manager Selection, Appointment, and Monitoring’ module, NILGOSC received three 4 Star and three 3 Star ratings; with only the ‘Infrastructure’ sub-category performing below the median, despite scoring 3 Stars.

Detail behind the scoring and assessment methodology can be found on the PRI’s website. NILGOSC’s public transparency report is available to download on the PRI’s database and NILGOSC’s full assessment report is available to review on the NILGOSC website.

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