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NILGOSC supports the 2024 Global Investor Statement on Climate Crisis

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The 2024 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis, released today, was signed by 534 financial institutions collectively managing more than USD $29 trillion in assets.

NILGOSC is pleased to announce that it was one of the signatories to the Statement, calling on governments and policymakers to urgently consider a whole-of-government approach to accelerate global climate policy ambition ahead of the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 29), to be held in Azerbaijan in November 2024.

The founding signatories of the Investor Agenda, who facilitated the Statement, are the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change, CDP, Ceres, Investor Group on Climate Change, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, Principles for Responsible Investment and UNEP Finance Initiative. The Statement is the most comprehensive to date, calling on governments to raise their climate ambition in line with the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C.  Investors recognise that policy mechanisms are essential to achieve a net zero emissions economy by 2050 or sooner, with interim targets in line with credible 1.5°C pathways. That’s why, ahead of COP 29, NILGOSC, alongside hundreds of investors, is calling on governments to enact five essential policy actions to accelerate the private capital flows needed for a just transition to a climate-resilient, nature-positive economy.

The five asks made of Governments are:

  • enacting economy-wide public policies;
  • implementing sectoral strategies, especially in high-emitting sectors;
  • addressing nature, water and biodiversity-related challenges contributing to and stemming from the climate crisis;
  • mandating climate-related disclosures across the financial system; and
  • facilitating further private investment into climate mitigation, resilience, and adaptation activities in emerging markets and developing economies.

The Statement will remain open, with more investors able to showcase support, until 1 November. It will be presented to governments, with the final list of signatures, at COP29.

Read the Statement here: 2024-Global-Investor-Statement-to-Governments-on-the-Climate-Crisis.pdf (

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