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My NILGOSC Pension Online has been upgraded!

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We first launched our online member portal in 2018, so it’s time for an upgrade!

Perhaps you are considering retirement and wondering about your pension pot, or maybe you’d just like to have a quick glance at the current value of your pension. With our recently revamped My NILGOSC Pension Online portal, you can view your pension details at the click of a button. 

If you have been a member of our Scheme for some time, you may already be registered for My NILGOSC Pension Online. The new portal has many of the same features as the original site, but with a fresh new look and easier navigation. If you have not yet registered now is a great time to take control of your pension.  

There are different ways to log in, depending on whether you had registered on the old site: 

  • If you have already registered for My NILGOSC Pension Online, you will need to update your login details to access the new portal. You can do so by clicking here and following the steps. 
  • If you have never registered for My NILGOSC Pension Online, follow the instructions here to register as a new member. 
  • If you have already registered or updated your details for the new site, click here. You can then simply login using your email address and password. 

What you can do on the site depends on what type of member you are e.g. contributing to the Scheme or already receiving your pension. Below are some examples of the functionality available: 

  • View your current pension value and annual benefit statement 
  • Update your contact information, bank details and death grant nominations 
  • Download documents we have sent to you and upload documents to us 
  • Plan for your retirement using our retirement planner 
  • View your membership history 
  • Make or alter your Expression of Wish – Death Grant nomination, so your family are taken care of should anything happen to you 

Further exciting developments, including our voluntary retirement calculator, are currently in progress, so stay tuned for new enhancements as they become available.

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