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Data Protection

NILGOSC is a data controller in line with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).

Privacy and Data Protection

NILGOSC stores, holds and manages your personal data in line with statutory requirements to enable us to provide you with pension administration services. To enable us to carry out our statutory duties, we are required to share your information with certain bodies, but will only do so in limited and specified circumstances. For more information about how we hold your data, who we share it with and what rights you have to request information from NILGOSC, please refer to the Privacy Notice for Members and Scheme Beneficiaries at the below link.

Privacy Notice – Members and Scheme Beneficiaries (601KB, PDF)

NILGOSC has appointed Aon Solutions UK (Aon) as its Actuary to provide pensions advisory and calculation services that relate to your membership of the Fund.  NILGOSC shares personal information with Aon to enable them to provide this service.  Aon is a Data Controller of this information and the purposes for which they use the information is set out in its Privacy Notice.  A  summary version of the Privacy Notice is attached on the link below, which also includes full details of how you can access the Full Privacy Notice:

Aon Solutions UK Summary Privacy Notice (121KB, PDF)

Data Protection requests will be processed as Subject Access Requests in line with the Data Protection legislation and in accordance with NILGOSC’s Data Protection Policy (537KB, PDF). SARs have a one month processing deadline.  The rights under Data Protection legislation are subject to exemptions which may affect our ability to supply information; each case will be dealt with on an individual basis. Requests in relation to accessing your personal data or exercising any other rights under data protection legislation should be made in writing or via email to the Data Protection Officer at NILGOSC at

National Fraud Initiative

In order to prevent and detect fraud, we may share information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds. We participate in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) run by the Northern Ireland Audit Office, which has statutory powers to conduct data matching exercises.  As part of this initiative, we provide details of pensioners and deferred members so that the information can be compared to that held by other public bodies. This will ensure, for example, that a pension is not being paid to someone who has died or is no longer entitled.  For further information about our participation in the National Fraud Initiative, please refer to the NFI Privacy Notice using the link below:

NFI Privacy Notice

If you have any further queries about our participation in the National Fraud Initiative, please contact our Governance Manager at

Use of this website

This website ( is owned, operated and controlled by the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC).  NILGOSC is responsible for the operation of the Local Government Pension Scheme in Northern Ireland.

Users of this website should read the Notice in full to understand NILGOSC’s practices regarding personal data and how it will be treated. By using this website, you are indicating acceptance of the Terms of Use of the NILGOSC website and agreeing to the practices set out in the Privacy Notice.

If you have any queries about this website, please contact the IT Department at

Links to other websites

This website contains links and references to other websites. This Privacy and Data Protection Notice does not apply to those websites or any other websites and NILGOSC encourages you to read the privacy statement of every website you visit.