As a responsible public sector organisation, NILGOSC is committed to the highest possible standards of transparency, probity, and accountability in the conduct of its business. Whilst a wide range of policies, procedures and codes of practice have been put in place to ensure NILGOSC business is conducted in line with these standards, malpractice, risk, abuse, unlawful conduct and/or wrongdoing may unfortunately still occur. In order to identify and address any such potential issues before damage is done to the organisation, its staff or stakeholders, NILGOSC is committed to having a supportive culture that encourages concerns to be raised and recognises that raising concerns is essential to safeguard the integrity of the organisation; safeguard staff and the wider public and prevent damage.
NILGOSC’s Raising Concerns Policy enables concerns to be raised in the right way, without fear of victimisation or, in the case of staff and Committee Members, without putting their jobs or positions at risk or disadvantage. The policy sets out what type of concerns can be raised in line with this policy, how to raise a concern, what to expect when you raise a concern and possible legal protections available for staff. A copy of the policy is available below.

Raising Concerns Policy
The purpose of this policy is to enable concerns to be raised in the right way.NILGOSC’s Raising Concerns Policy has been developed in line with Northern Ireland Audit Office guidance including “Raising Concerns – A good practice guide for the Northern Ireland Public Sector – June 2020”. A link to this guide and the NIAO Public Information Leaflet for raising concerns is attached on the links below:
NIAO Good Practice Guide (PDF, 300KB)
NIAO Raising Concerns Information Leaflet (PDF, 200KB)