I am an active member with underpin protection?
You do not need to do anything. When you take your pension, NILGOSC will compare the pension that you have built up from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022 in the career average scheme with the pension you could have built up had the final salary scheme continued. If the final salary pension would […]

Can my cohabiting partner receive pension benefits?
Pensions for eligible cohabiting partners were introduced from 1 April 2009 and only apply to deferred members who were active members in the Scheme from this date. If you wish for your cohabiting partner to receive a pension if you die your relationship has to meet certain conditions laid down in the Scheme’s regulations.

What happens to my benefits if I die before I receive them?
If you die before receiving your benefits, dependants’ pensions may be payable along with a Lump Sum Death Grant. The value of the death grant depends on when you left the Scheme. From 1 April 2015 if you are also an active member of the Scheme the death grant payable will be the higher […]

What if I re-join the Scheme at a later date?
If you re-join the Scheme you will begin to build up new pension benefits in addition to your deferred benefits. We will give you the option to join these two sets of benefits together within twelve months of re-joining the Scheme. For more information visit Re-joining the Scheme.

I have joined a different pension scheme. Can I transfer my LGPS (NI) benefits to my new scheme?
You may be able to transfer the value of your pension to another occupational pension scheme, personal pension or stakeholder pension scheme. If you are thinking of transferring your benefits, particularly to a personal pension or money purchase arrangement, you should take independent financial advice and beware of unauthorised companies. More information can be found […]

Can I have a refund of my deferred benefits?
If you have deferred benefits with the Scheme you will not be able to have a refund of the contributions you paid. You may be able to transfer the value of your pension to another occupational pension scheme, personal pension, stakeholder pension scheme, or you can leave your benefits in the Scheme until you reach […]

Can I take my benefits before my Normal Pension Age (NPA)?
You can elect to retire and receive your deferred benefits from age 55 onwards. If you retire between age 55 and your NPA your benefits may be reduced to take account of their early payment and the fact that your pension will be payable for longer. If you become ill before your deferred benefits are […]

When will my benefits be paid?
Your benefits will be paid to you without any early retirement reductions on the date shown in the box entitled ‘The above benefits are payable from’ on your statement. You can choose to claim your benefits early; however they may be reduced as they will be paid for longer. You can find more information […]