The Minister for Pensions, and pension schemes (including NILGOSC) have called upon asset managers to allow asset owners to have more say when it comes to casting votes at the Annual General Meetings of the companies in which they are invested in.
NILGOSC issues its inaugural TCFD-aligned Climate-related Disclosures report
NILGOSC became an official supporter of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in June 2020.
NILGOSC’s 2020/21 voting record published
NILGOSC has undertaken a range of activities to promote positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.
NILGOSC publishes response to Department for Communities’ consultation on proposed amendments to the Local Government Pension Scheme (NI)
This consultation closes on 10 December 2021.
NILGOSC publishes 2020/21 Annual Report
This publication provides detailed information on how the Fund is governed, its performance summary and its financial position.
NILGOSC working with Target to update address information
NILGOSC is currently working with Target to update address information for Scheme members we’ve lost contact with.
Department for Communities’ consultation on proposed amendments to the Local Government Pension Scheme (NI)
This consultation is open from 8 October 2021 and closes on 10 December 2021.
Public service pensions: cost control mechanism consultation outcome
The Government has published its response to the consultation on changes to the cost control mechanism for public service pension schemes.
Consultation Response by HMT on implementing the increase to the normal minimum pension age
On 20 July 2021, HMT published its response to the consultation on increasing the normal minimum pension age (NMPA).
Annual benefit statements 2021
Your annual benefit statement is now available online, unless you have already told us you wish to receive it by post.
NILGOSC makes pledge to battle pension scammers
NILGOSC has recently pledged to play its part in the battle against pensions scammers by signing up to The Pensions Regulator (TPR) transfer pledge campaign.
NILGOSC publishes response to HM Treasury consultation
NILGOSC has published its response to HM Treasury Consultation on Proposals to Reform the Cost Control Mechanisms in Public Service Pension schemes. HM Treasury launched this consultation on 24 June 2021.