Approaching Retirement
Wednesday 25 January
This session is aimed at employees who may be thinking of retiring in the next few years. It will cover the different types of retirement, how benefits are calculated and will include a demonstration of My NILGOSC Pension Online and how to tailor your own pension projections.
Welcome to the Scheme
Thursday 26 January
This session is suitable for employees who have joined the pension scheme within the last 12 months and is also helpful for employees who have previously opted out but may wish to know more about the Scheme. The session will explain the main Scheme benefits, contributions and AVCs/APCs, transfers and aggregating other Scheme pensions. There will also be a demonstration of how to access My NILGOSC Pension Online so members can keep track of their NILGOSC pension and plan for future retirement.
Scheme Benefits
Friday 27 January
This is a general overview for future retirement planning. This session will cover the use of AVCs and APCs to boost pension savings, the different types of retirement, and will also cover what options are available if you leave the pension scheme before retirement. There will also be a demonstration of how to access My NILGOSC Pension Online so members can keep track of their NILGOSC pension and plan for future retirement.