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NILGOSC has published the 2023 Annual Benefit Statements for Deferred members

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Your statement and the accompanying guidance notes can be accessed on My NILGOSC Pension Online.

Annual Benefit Statements 2023 for Deferred Members are now available to download from your My NILGOSC Pension Online account under Documents / My Documents. The guidance notes to accompany this statement, including details of survivors’ benefits, can be found under Documents / Scheme Documents and Forms. Once you click on the documents they will open as a PDF and can be saved or printed.

If you are also an active or pensioner member of the Scheme please ensure that you are in your deferred record. You can move between your records using the ‘Status’ dropdown at the top right hand corner of the screen after you log in.

This statement is for your deferred pension. Statements for any active records that you have will be issued in August 2023.

If you have not activated your My NILGOSC Pension Online account, please register today.

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