I have a query about my State Pension, who do I contact?
In April 2016 the government simplified the state pension by replacing the existing basic State Pension and additional State Pension with the new single-tier State Pension. As a result the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is no longer able to supply us with details of your state pension. You can receive an estimate of […]

My personal details are incorrect – what should I do?
If any of your personal details have changed or are shown incorrectly you can update them via your My NILGOSC Pension Online account. If you have chosen not to sign up to this service you can complete an LGS24 – Change of Circumstances Form (2.16MB PDF) or telephone us on 0345 3197 325.

I have received more than one deferred benefit statement. Is it possible to combine my records together so that I only receive one statement?
Once you become a deferred member it is not possible to combine your pension records together to produce one annual benefit statement, as we are required to produce a statement for each record you have with NILGOSC. However, if you re-join the Scheme you may have the option to combine your deferred benefits with your […]

When will the changes come into effect?
We will know more about when the changes are likely to take effect when the Department of Finance and the Department for Communities publish their responses to the consultations on removing the discrimination. We do not expect any changes to be introduced before October 2023.

Will the changes apply to me?
In the Department for Communities consultation it is proposed that revised protections are extended to cover all members who were in active scheme membership on or before 31 March 2012 and have membership in the CARE schemes (without a 5 year break) after 31 March 2015. If you left the scheme before 1 April […]

What does it mean for the LGPS (NI)?
When the LGPS (NI) changed from a final salary to a career average pension scheme in 2015, members who were within 10 years of their Normal Pension Age (usually age 65) on 1 April 2012 were provided with a protection called the ‘underpin’. When a protected member takes their pension, the benefits payable under the […]

Can I delay drawing my deferred benefits?
If you left the Scheme before 6 April 2006, you are unable to defer drawing your deferred benefits. We will pay your pension when you reach your Normal Pension Age (NPA). If you left the Scheme after 5 April 2006, you have the option to delay payment of your deferred benefits after your NPA. If you […]

Can I apply for early payment of deferred benefits because of ill-health?
If you are permanently ill before you start receiving your deferred benefits, you can apply for early payment of your deferred benefits at any time before your Normal Pension Age (NPA), without reduction. If you left the Scheme: Gainful employment is paid employment for at least thirty hours per week for a minimum period of […]

Can I take my deferred benefit early?
You can elect to retire and receive your deferred benefits from age 55 onwards. If you retire between age 55 and your normal pension age your benefits may be reduced to take account of their early payment and the fact that your pension will be payable for longer. The reduction is calculated in accordance with […]

What information will you send me each year?
Each year we will upload a pension benefit statement and a copy of the Deferred Members’ News to your account on My NILGOSC Pension Online. The Deferred Members’ News describes items that we hope will be of interest and contains a brief summary of the accounts. Your pension benefit statement will show the current value of your […]