Do the figures on my statement reflect any changes resulting from the McCloud remedy?
The new rules became law on 1 October 2023 and it is taking time to review the records of all eligible members. If you are eligible, this year’s statements does not reflect any changes due to the McCloud remedy. For further information see The McCloud Remedy – NILGOSC
How do I check my State Pension forecast?
The UK Government recently launched the ‘Check your State Pension Forecast’ digital service – Check your State Pension forecast – GOV.UK ( Here you can find out how much state pension you could get and when you can get it. It also tells you how to check for and fill any gaps in your National […]
NILGOSC doesn’t know I have other public service pension scheme membership that could qualify me for underpin protection?
If you have membership in another public service pension scheme before 1 April 2012 you will need to tell us, when we ask you for this information. If you are protected, when you take your pension, we will work out whether you are due any increase because of the underpin. NILGOSC has over 50,000 records […]
I have underpin protection – will I have pension tax charges?
If your pension is increased because of underpin protection, the increase is excluded for annual allowance purposes. You may still have a tax charge, but it’s based on your pension excluding the underpin addition. It is possible that a few members may have retired before 1 October 2023 under the old underpin rules, had an […]
I have underpin protection and I die?
Death grants – underpin protection does not change the death grant if you die as an active member, as the death grant is a multiple of your pay and not the pension that you have built up. If you die after taking your pension, then the death grant is calculated based on your annual pension. […]
I have underpin protection and I get divorced or my civil partnership is dissolved?
When you get divorced or a civil partnership is dissolved, the Court takes the value of your pension into account in any settlement. If your pension includes an underpin amount, then that increase is included and, if your pension is shared, part of that increase will be passed to your former spouse or civil partner. […]
I have underpin protection and my pension in the Remedy period includes pension debits or extra pension?
When you take your pension, NILGOSC will check the pension that you have built up from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022. We will compare the career average pension built up with what you could have built up in the final salary scheme, had it continued. If the final salary pension is higher, the […]
I have underpin protection and I re-join the LGPS (NI)?
If you were a deferred member and you re-join the LGPS (NI) on or after 1 October 2023 you can choose to combine your two periods of membership within 12 months of re-joining. Only your employer can choose to extend the 12-month period, NILGOSC cannot do this. There is a lot to consider when you […]
I have underpin protection and I transfer my pension from another public service pension scheme into the LGPS (NI)?
Transfer into the LGPS (NI) before 1 October 2023 – the McCloud Remedy applies to all public service pension schemes. Pension benefits that originally had protection in another scheme will continue to be protected in the LGPS (NI), provided you did not have a disqualifying break. When you take your pension, the underpin check will […]
I transfer my pension out from the LGPS (NI) and have underpin protection?
The public service pension scheme that you are transferring to will generally give you protection in their scheme. This will not be an underpin as it is unique to the LGPS, instead, you are given a choice between a career average pension and a final salary pension for the relevant pension benefits built up from […]
I flexibly retire and have underpin protection?
On flexible retirement you can choose whether to take all or some of the pension you have built up. The underpin check is carried out when you flexibly retire, and if your pension increases, a proportion of the increase will be paid to match the proportion of benefits that you are taking that were built […]
I retire on ill-health and have underpin protections?
Retired before 1 October 2023 – If you retired on ill-health from deferred membership and are protected, NILGOSC will review the pension that you are being paid. If the pension you would have built up between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 in the final salary scheme would have been higher than in the […]