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NILGOSC News: General

Image: character illustration: Family asking questions

Pension Information Sessions for Members

NILGOSC has scheduled three pension information sessions in January 2023. Each session will last about 90 minutes and will be held via MS Teams. The sessions are designed to assist members when planning for their future retirement.

Image: half Thumbnail: Annual report and accounts 2021/22

NILGOSC publishes 2021/22 Annual Report

This publication provides detailed information on the performance of the Scheme, accountability reports and financial statements.

Image: Logo: Prudential

Annual Review of AVCs with Prudential

NILGOSC has completed its annual review of the Scheme’s AVC arrangement with Prudential.

Image: CDP logo. Disclosure. Insight. Action.

NILGOSC backs CDP campaign asking big emitters to meet 1.5°C goal

NILGOSC joined a group of 318 financial institutions and multinational firms, with $37 trillion USD in assets, in calling on over 1,000 of the world’s highest impact businesses to commit to and set a science-based target aligned with 1.5°C temperature scenarios.

Image: Logo: Pension attention: Pay your pension some attention

It’s Pension Awareness Week!

Time to pay your pension some attention

Image: Logo: The investor agenda Accelerating Action for a Net-zero Emissions Economy

NILGOSC supports the 2022 Global Investor Statement on Climate

NILGOSC is pleased to announce that it has signed the 2022 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis, to urge global governments to raise their ambition on climate policy.

Image: Bank Of England

Recent financial market turbulence will not affect the value of your NILGOSC pension

NILGOSC has issued a statement to reassure its members who may be concerned by some comments in the media about pension funds

NILGOSC supports Statement on Sustainable Corporate Reporting

NILGOSC is pleased to add its voice to the call for global alignment between sustainability reporting standard-setters and frameworks.

Image: Logo: Pension attention: Pay your pension some attention

It’s time to Pay Your Pension Some Attention!

We are proud to support the #PensionAttention campaign. Visit to get involved and Pay Your Pension Some Attention.

Image: Logo: UK Stewardship Code

NILGOSC named as a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code

NILGOSC is delighted that its first Stewardship Report met the FRC’s expected standard of reporting and it will now be listed as a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code.

Image: This is your 2022 Annual Benefit Statement

Annual Pension Benefit Statements for active members published to My NILGOSC Pension Online.

The statement contains key information about the value of your pension and when you can receive it.

Image: This is your 2022 Annual Benefit Statement

Annual Pension Benefit Statements for deferred members published to My NILGOSC Pension Online.

A deferred member is someone who is no longer contributing to the Scheme but not yet receiving their pension.