If you are permanently ill before you start receiving your deferred benefits, you can apply for early payment of your deferred benefits at any time before your Normal Pension Age (NPA), without reduction.
If you left the Scheme:
- Before 1 June 2005 and had at least one year’s Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to NILGOSC’s Independent Registered Medical Practitioner’s (IRMP) certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme.
- Between 1 June 2005 and 31 March 2009 and had at least three month’s Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to the IRMP’s certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme.
- After 31 March 2009 and had at least one year’s Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to the IRMP’s certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme. You must also have a reduced likelihood of being capable of undertaking any gainful employment before reaching normal pension age.
- After 31 March 2015 and had at least two years’ Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to the IRMP’s certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme. You must also have a reduced likelihood of being capable of undertaking any gainful employment before reaching normal pension age.
Gainful employment is paid employment for at least thirty hours per week for a minimum period of twelve months.
If you wish to apply for ill-health retirement, you can apply to NILGOSC in writing, accompanied by a current medical certificate stating the permanency of the illness and by completing anĀ Ill-Health Medical Examination Request Form for a Deferred Member (1.5MB, PDF). Please also provide as much medical evidence as possible to support your application.