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What happens to my benefits if I die before I receive them?

If you die before receiving your benefits, dependants’ pensions may be payable along with a Lump Sum Death Grant.  The value of the death grant depends on when you left the Scheme.  

  • If you left from 1 April 2009 the death grant is five times the current value of your annual deferred pension
  • If you left before 1 April 2009 the death grant is three times the current value of your annual deferred pension

From 1 April 2015 if you are also an active member of the Scheme the death grant payable will be the higher of that from your deferred membership or your active membership.  Both death grants will not be paid.

You can advise us who you would like to receive any death grant using your My NILGOSC Pension Online account.  You can also complete an LGS20 – Death Grant Expression of Wish Form (1.44MB PDF) and return it to us.