NILGOSC is overseen by a Board appointed by the Department of Communities. The Department is now recruiting for a future vacancy on the Board. Full details of the exercise can be found on the Department’s website.
The Department is currently recruiting for individuals who can be viewed as being representative of employers in the NILGOSC/LGPS (NI) pension scheme. A full list of employers can be seen on the Employer section of our website.
The NILGOSC Board meet formally 9 times a year, plus a number of extra meetings for sub-committees and training. It is different from most of the other public sector schemes because it also manages Northern Ireland’s largest investment fund (currently valued at £11bn). This adds an extra level of interest as you will see how much world events affect investment returns. Full training will be provided.
If you would be interested in applying for the position please follow the instructions in the DfC pack.