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Requesting information

Before you make a request

NILGOSC want to help you to find the information you are interested in. Before you make a Freedom of Information Act request please check that the information you would like is not already available through the Publication Scheme or on the website.

How to make a request

If you cannot find what you are looking for through the Publication Scheme or on the website, NILGOSC will be happy to accept a request for information not already available.  Requests must be in writing and must include your name and an address (either postal or email). Please try to be as specific as possible about the information that you would like, as this will help us to respond accurately and promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number so that we can contact you to discuss your request if necessary.

Please note that we cannot accept requests via SMS (text messages).

We will aim to respond to your request promptly and within 20 working days. The Act allows us to extend this deadline if we need to clarify your request with you, if we are charging you a fee, or if we are considering the public interest test. NILGOSC will always acknowledge receipt of FOI requests and will let you know if we need to extend the deadline.

Requests should be made to:

The Governance Manager
Templeton House
411 Holywood Road
Belfast, BT4 2LP.
Tel: 0345 3197 320
Fax: 0345 3197 321

Request for information under Data Protection legislation

Data Protection legislation gives individuals a right to request access to personal information held about themselves. Should you wish to make a request, please review the instructions on our Data Protection page.


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within 40 working days of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be sent to the Head of Governance and Human Resources in the first instance. This should be done in writing, by telephone or by email. The relevant contact details are as follows:

Templeton House
411 Holywood Road
Belfast, BT4 2LP
Tel: 0345 319 7320
Fax: 0345 319 7321

Please remember to quote your reference number in any future communications with NILGOSC.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of or outcome of the request, you can lodge a complaint via the Complaints process, which is available on the NILGOSC website at:

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
3rd Floor
14 Cromac Place
Belfast, BT7 2JB
Tel: 0303 123 1114