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Publication scheme

All public authorities are required to adopt the model scheme as stipulated by the Information Commissioner’s Office – NILGOSC has adopted the scheme set out for all Non-Departmental Public Bodies. The Publication Scheme sets out the information that NILGOSC will publish and how it will do so. Publication does not refer solely to printed material. Publication has been interpreted as broadly as possible to include electronic documents, information on the website, minutes of meetings, reports and leaflets.

The Publication Scheme relates to information created by NILGOSC or, in some cases, to information created by NILGOSC in partnership with other organisations. The classes of information to be published are set out under defined headings which reflect the categories of information provided by NILGOSC. The specific types of information available under each of these classes can be accessed below and is also available via the Guide to Information (411KB, PDF)

Click here to view the full Publication Scheme (328KB, PDF)

Class 1 – Who we are and what we do

The links below are regarding organisational information, structures, locations and contacts. They also include biographies of NILGOSC Committee members and the Senior Management Team, information about the legal basis for our activities and information about how to contact us.

Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it

This section links to financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, fund management and our pay and grading structures.

Fund Management

Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing

This section links to information about our strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews and our Corporate Plan and Annual Reports.


Class 4 – How we make decisions

This section links to decision making processes and records of decisions.

Class 5 – Our policies and procedures

This section links to current written protocols that we follow when delivering our services and responsibilities.

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Class 6 – Lists and registers
Class 7 – The services we offer – pensions list & registers

This section links to the leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for administration of the Scheme.