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Satisfaction survey

2023/24 results

A Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey for the year 2023/24 was carried out in February 2024. Surveys were drawn up for members, deferred members and pensioners, relevant to the service they receive from NILGOSC. Approximately 3,767 surveys were sent to the three member groups, and the response rate averaged at 26.18%. In addition, online surveys were also sent to all 169 employing authorities. A total of 35 employers responded to the survey, with a response rate of 20.71%.

Satisfaction levels, which are measured with respect to the percentage of good or excellent ratings given, ranged from 85.19% for deferred members, 91.27% for active members and 96.57% for pensioners. 96.97% of employers indicated a satisfaction rating of good or excellent. The aggregate satisfaction rate across all stakeholder groups was 92.25%.

The surveys focused on three main areas:

  • Publications – participants were asked to rate publications on the relevance of information contained, presentation and layout, and ease of understanding. 
  • Customer service – this section included questions relating to staff knowledge, courtesy, and professionalism.
  • My NILGOSC Pension Online and the NILGOSC website


Respondents were asked to rank communication materials on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being poor and 5 being excellent). Questions related to relevance of information, presentation and layout and ease of understanding. 93.34% of member respondents and 97.77% of employers rated NILGOSC communications as being good or excellent

Customer Service

The survey examined a range of areas relating to customer service for members. Overall customer service received a good or excellent rating from members and employers of 92.26% and 90.22% respectively.

My NILGOSC Pension Online

My NILGOSC Pension Online is a self-service facility that allows members to access their pension details securely and update their information. They can check the value of their pension benefits, update personal details and estimate the value of their pension upon retirement. Elements of My NILGOSC Pension Online ranked included ease of registration, quality and accuracy of information provided, look and layout of website and ease of use and 93.5% of respondents rated these categories as good or excellent.


All respondents were asked to rate the look, usefulness, and quality of content on the NILGOSC website. Satisfaction across all stakeholder groups was high with 94.43% of respondents rating the NILGOSC website as good or excellent.