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Joining or exiting

For employers thinking of joining or leaving the Scheme

Employers joining the Scheme

Only certain employers can join the LGPS (NI) and they:

  • must meet one of the admission criteria set out in the regulations
  • have a guarantor
  • meet any other admission requirements and
  • be approved for admission by NILGOSC’s Committee.

The definition of an admission body is contained in Schedule 2 to the 2014 Regulations, which sets out a number of categories summarised below (please see the Regulations for the full definitions):

  • a body which provides a public service in the United Kingdom otherwise than for the purposes of gain and which either-
    • has sufficient links with an existing employing authority in the Scheme to be regarded as having a community of interest; or
    • is approved by the Department for Communities for the purpose of admission to the Scheme.
  • a body who receives some or all of its funding from one of the employers in the Scheme;
  • a body representative of local authorities; local authorities and their officers; officers of local authorities for specific consultation purposes; or employing authorities;
  • a statutory undertaker (that is a body authorised by any statutory provision to carry on certain transport functions or certain functions for the promotion of industrial development or tourism).
  • a non-statutory undertaker (that is a body similar to a statutory undertaker but without being set up or authorised under legislation)
  • the managers of a voluntary school within the meaning of Article 2(2) of the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1986- for example, the board of governors of a voluntary grammar school;
  • the governing body of an institution of further education within the meaning of the Further Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1997;
  • a body that is providing a service in connection with the exercise of a function of an employer in the Scheme as a result of the transfer of the service by means of a contract or other arrangement.  (Note – admission is limited to the employees engaged in providing that outsourced service.)
  • a body that is providing a public service and which is approved by the Department for Communities for the purposes of admission to the Scheme.

If you wish to find out more about joining the LGPS (NI) you should contact the Pensions Development Team on 0345 3197 320 for more information and an application form.  You may also wish to read NILGOSC’s Admission and Exit Policy (see link below).

Employers leaving the Scheme

If an employer is thinking of leaving the Scheme or would like information on exiting they should contact the Pensions Development Team on 0345 3197 320.  You may also wish to read NILGOSC’s Admission and Exit Policy (see link below).