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Administering the Scheme

A range of guidance, resources and information to help you administer the Scheme.

NILGOSC provides employers with the following guides to provide background and help then administer the Scheme:

  • Employer Guide – this comprehensive ‘to do’ guide covers all areas of Scheme administration
  • Human Resources Guide – this provides more detailed information and background on Human Resource aspects of the Scheme
  • Payroll Guide – this provides more detailed information and background on Payroll aspects of the Scheme

The Department for Communities has provided guidance for employers on ill-health retirement.

These guides can all be downloaded below.


We currently have three guides for employers, the Employers’ Guide, Human Resources Guide, and Payroll Guide, which can be downloaded below. Further guidance is available in the ‘In this section’ panel.

View guides

Explanation of forms and spreadsheets

Guidance for using our range of forms and spreadsheets.

Explanation of forms and spreadsheets

Employer contribution rates

Employers pay the balance of the cost of providing members’ benefits in the Scheme – this is normally a percentage of pensionable pay.

Employer contribution rates