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Pension administration strategy

Employing authorities must provide NILGOSC with accurate timely information.

NILGOSC has a statutory duty to administer the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) and meet certain statutory timescales. In order to enable NILGOSC to meet its statutory obligations and provide a first class service to its members, employing authorities must provide NILGOSC with accurate timely information. These responsibilities are set out in NILGOSC’s Pension Administration Strategy.

This Pension Administration Strategy:

• provides clarity on the key roles and responsibilities of NILGOSC and its employers

• sets expectations and confirms the targets that NILGOSC and its employers need to work to

• helps all parties to achieve regulatory compliance by providing a framework that is clear and user-friendly

• assists NILGOSC and its scheme employers in adhering to the Pensions Regulator’s Codes of Practice

• complements procedures that help all parties to meet their data protection and data quality responsibilities

• helps to ensure all parties provide the best possible service to scheme members and other relevant stakeholders

• emphasises the importance of the shared role that NILGOSC and its scheme employers have in ensuring excellent service delivery to scheme members

• promotes efficient working practices, transparency and a culture of continual improvement.

An effective Pensions Administration Strategy supports NILGOSC and its employers to deliver on their responsibilities so that all pension fund members and stakeholders receive an excellent service.