Yes. There is nothing to prevent a pensioner or deferred member being re-employed. They should be automatically re-entered into the Scheme from the first day of employment, unless the contract is for less than three months. NILGOSC should be notified of the ‘new’ member in the normal way.
Where the contract is for less than three months, the employee is also enrolled:
- when the contract is extended beyond three months or, if earlier,
- if they ask to join the scheme
- or if they hit their automatic enrolment or automatic re-enrolment date (and are an eligible jobholder under the AE legislation).
For the majority of pensioners there is no change to their existing pension payment because of the new pensionable earnings. However, a few retired Scheme members who are in receipt of additional compensatory pensions may have to have the compensatory pension reduced – they must advise NILGOSC immediately should they become re-employed.