The calculation will depend on the date you left the Scheme and whether the marriage took place before or after you stopped paying into the Scheme.
Death of a pensioner (stopped paying into the Scheme after 31 March 2015)
A long-term widow’s pension is payable of:
- Your accrued pension (including any pension given up for a tax-free cash lump sum) for membership in the Scheme after 31 March 2015 recalculated as if it had built up at a rate of 1/160th, (including any enhancement given if the retirement was on ill-health grounds), plus
- 49/160th of the amount of any pension credited to your pension account following a transfer in, plus
- 1/160th of your final pay x the period of membership in the Scheme up to 31 March 2015 upon which your pension is based
If marriage occurred after retiring the long-term widow’s pension is calculated on your membership after 5 April 1978 only.
Death of a pensioner (stopped paying into the Scheme between 1 April 2009 and 31 March 2015)
A long-term widow’s pension is payable of:
- 1/160 x deceased’s final pay x deceased’s total membership (including any enhancement given if the retirement was on ill-health grounds)
If the marriage occurred after leaving, the long-term pension is calculated on the deceased’s post 5 April 1978 membership only.
Death of a pensioner (stopped paying into the Scheme between 1 April 1972 to 31 March 2009)
A short-term pension is payable of:
- the deceased member’s pension rate for three months from the date of death or for six months if eligible children are in the widow’s care.
A long-term pension is payable, after the short-term pension ends, at:
- ½ x deceased’s pension
If marriage occurred after leaving, the long-term pension is calculated as:
- ½ x deceased’s pension in respect of post 5 April 1978 membership only
Death of a pensioner (stopped paying into the Scheme before 1 April 1972)
The widow’s pension is:
- 1/3 x deceased’s pension
There would be no widow’s pension where the marriage took place after leaving the Scheme, as only membership after 5 April 1978 is taken into account for post-leaving marriages.