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Training & events

Training and events to learn more about the Scheme

“Informative interactive session that could benefit all employers involved with the Scheme”

– Seminar Attendee

Training on administration of the Scheme

We hold training sessions on general administration and form filling twice a year, in May and in November. This training covers joining, changes during active membership, through to leaving the Scheme. Annual return training is provided separately in January each year. We also hold seminars for employers from time to time on topics such as the triennial valuation.  Due to the pandemic we have moved to remote training via MS Teams and to keep the sessions to one hour in length we have created sessions on specific topics of interest:

  • Administration during membership
    • This session will cover all the administration and form filling requirements for new members joining the Scheme, contributions rates, and the relevant forms associated with any changes that may occur through the duration of their employment
  • i-Connect Demonstration
    • This demonstration takes you through the online i-Connect process.  For employers already using the system, it is an opportunity to refresh your training, and also ask any questions that you may have now you have been using the system for a while.  Employers who haven’t migrated to the new online system can use this session as an opportunity to view the processing of new starters, leavers, and opt outs, as well as the financial information required to complete the submission correctly, however you will still receive your individual onboarding training for file-upload users in due course. 
  • Administration for leavers
    • This session deals with the administration requirements when an employee leaves the Scheme, including refunds, retirements and deaths
  • Assumed pensionable pay (APP)
    • This session takes a detailed look at the calculation and application of A‍P‍P. It will look at the requirements of calculating A‍P‍P for active Scheme members, the impact on employer contributions, and the Annual Return requirements for pensionable pay. The practical example, and associated forms, is followed right through to ill-health retirement.
  • Employer discretions
    • This session covers the various discretions that are available to employers under the regulations and includes a sample policy statement that can be used by employers as a template when formulating or updating their own policy statement.
Upcoming TrainingDate & Time
i-Connect DemonstrationNext session(s) planned for November 2024
Employer DiscretionsNext session(s) planned for November 2024
Active MembershipNext session(s) planned for November 2024
LeaversNext sessions(s) planned for November 2024
Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP)Next session(s) planned for November 2024

To register for any of the sessions please click on the relevant Date and Time links above, and fill out your details. This will automatically send you the calendar invite. If you don’t receive confirmation of registration and you’re sure you entered the correct email address, you may need to speak to your IT department in case your organisation’s security settings have filtered the email out of your inbox.

If you have any queries or if you would like to arrange any further employer training sessions, please email