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Increasing pension benefits

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)

AVCs are a way of topping up your NILGOSC pension and can be paid through the in-house AVC provider, Prudential. At retirement this fund may be used to provide additional pension and/or a lump sum. Alternatively, a member can transfer out their AVC fund to avail of ‘Freedom and Choice’ flexibilities e.g. drawdown pensions or taking lump sums directly from their fund from age 55.

For more information on AVCs, visit our Boosting your pension page.

Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contributions

An employer can agree to share the cost of any AVCs that the member decides to purchase. This is an employer discretion and members will need to check their employer’s policy on this.

Additional Pension Contributions (APCs)

Members can pay APCs to purchase additional pension or to cover a period of absence. There is a limit on the amount of additional pension that can be purchased, it is revised every April.

For more information and current limits visit our APCs page.

Power of employing authority to award additional pension

An employer may award a member additional pension per year. This is an employer discretion and the member will need to check its employer’s policy on this. There is a limit on the amount of additional pension that can be purchased, it is revised every April.

For more information and current limits visit our APCs page.

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