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Shareholder Resolutions 2023

TopicSubjectResolutionCompanyMeeting DateNILGOSC VoteRationale
BoardElection RulesTo amend the Bylaws to allow shareholders to make board nominationsTesla Inc04/08/2022ForThe proposal aligns with best practice
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Anti-Harassment and discrimination efforts Tesla Inc04/08/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interest. Current disclosure could be improved
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Board DiversityTesla Inc04/08/2022ForCurrent disclosures do not detail how the Company’s diversity policies ensure Board diversity, with no formal targets or policies for new director nominees (beyond stating that diversity is considered as a factor). The proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Employee ArbitrationTesla Inc04/08/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests.  Current disclosure could be improved
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on lobbyingTesla Inc04/08/2022ForThe proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy.  Current Sustainability disclosure could be improved
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceAdoption of a freedom of association and collective bargaining policyTesla Inc04/08/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare Additional reporting on child labourTesla Inc04/08/2022AgainstCurrent disclosure is considered sufficient. The Company currently produces a report detailing child labour policies
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request the Board to prepare Additional Reporting on water riskTesla Inc04/08/2022AgainstThe Company has committed to further disclosure as part of TCFD reporting
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo consider and vote upon a stockholder proposal, if properly presented at the Annual Meeting, on termination payElectronic Arts Inc11/08/2022ForConcerns about several aspects of the Company’s current Remuneration policy.
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherStockholder Proposal regarding shareholder ratification of termination payGen Digital Inc13/09/2022AgainstConcerns with current termination provisions. The termination provision of a directors’ service contract includes the automatic or discretionary payment of unearned bonus in the event of early termination following a change of control, accelerated vesting of LTIP awards on termination is permitted
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of the Chairman being an independent directorGeneral Mills Inc27/09/2022ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders on Plastic PackagingGeneral Mills Inc27/09/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityOther ESGTo request that the board issue a tax transparency reportCisco Systems Inc08/12/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board report to shareholders on cost vs benefits of global diversity & inclusion effortsMicrosoft Corp13/12/2022AgainstThe proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. It is not considered to be in the best interests of investors. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances. 
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board report to shareholders regarding hiring people with arrest or incarceration recordsMicrosoft Corp13/12/2022AgainstCurrent policies and practices are considered adequate
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders regarding 401(k) retirement funds connection with climate changeMicrosoft Corp13/12/2022ForCurrent policies fail to address concerns regarding scope 3 emissions. The Company taking on increased responsibility regarding its environmental impact and the associated risks is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board commission an independent report to assess whether governmental customer use of products can contribute to violations of privacyMicrosoft Corp13/12/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board issue an independent report regarding risks for being identified as a company involved in the development of weapons used by militaryMicrosoft Corp13/12/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityOther ESGTo request that the Board issue a tax transparency reportMicrosoft Corp13/12/2022ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo report on risks of state policies restricting reproductive rightsCostco Whole Corp19/01/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo approve a Civil Rights and Non-discrimination Audit ProposalApple Inc10/03/2023AgainstThe proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances. In addition, the company has already committed to a Civil Rights Audit
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo approve the Communist China AuditApple Inc10/03/2023AgainstCurrent disclosure is considered adequate.
Shareholder RightsShareholder RightsTo approve the board policy for communication with shareholder proponentsApple Inc10/03/2023ForThe proposal, if enacted, would improve shareholder engagement
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo approve the Racial and Gender Pay Gaps reportApple Inc10/03/2023ForThe proposal is aligned with NILGOSC Voting policy
BoardElection RulesTo approve the shareholder proxy access amendmentsApple Inc10/03/2023ForThe proposal is aligned with best practice and would improve shareholders’ rights
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the Company reduce prices of vital medicinesNovo Nordisk AS23/03/2023AgainstCurrent policies and processes are considered in-line with good practice recommendations. The proposal could be considered too prescriptive.
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the Bank adopt an advisory voting policy regarding environmental and climate objectivesBank of Nova Scotia04/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Bank explore the possibility of becoming a benefit company.Bank of Nova Scotia04/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request that the Board review executive compensation levels in relation to the entire workforceCanadian Imperial Bank of Commerce04/04/2023ForConcerns held with current Remuneration policy. Adoption would further align the Company with global best practice
SustainabilityEnvironmental practicesTo request that the Bank establish an annual advisory vote policy with respect to its environmental and climate change action plansCanadian Imperial Bank of Commerce04/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. Current disclosure is not up to date
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Bank make clear its commitment to continue to invest in Canadian Oil and Gas sectorCanadian Imperial Bank of Commerce04/04/2023AgainstThe proposal is not aligned with the Company’s Net Zero ambition
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Bank amend its policy guidelines for sensitive sectors and activitiesRoyal Bank of Canada05/04/2023ForThe proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy and support of TCFD recommended disclosures
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Bank revise its human rights position statementRoyal Bank of Canada05/04/2023ForThe proposal supports the Company in mitigating such adverse human rights impacts that may subject the Company to reputational, legal, business and financial risks
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board oversee and publish a third party racial equity auditRoyal Bank of Canada05/04/2023ForCurrent disclosure could be improved
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Bank issue a report disclosing greenhouse gas emissions reduction targetsRoyal Bank of Canada05/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board adopt a policy for a time bound phase out of the lending and underwriting to projects engaging in fossil fuel explorationRoyal Bank of Canada05/04/2023AgainstNILGOSC considers divestment can be a blunt instrument. The company’s current policies are considered adequate
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request that the Board review executive compensation levels in relation to entire workforceRoyal Bank of Canada05/04/2023ForConcerns held with current Remuneration policy. Adoption would further align the Company with global best practice
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request an advisory vote policy regarding environmental and climate change objectivesRoyal Bank of Canada05/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Bank produce a report on the loans granted in support of a circular economyRoyal Bank of Canada07/04/2022ForConcerns with current Remuneration policy. Adoption would further align the Company with global best practice.
Corporate ActionsCompany Purpose & StrategyTo request that the Bank explore the possibility of becoming a benefit corporation.Royal Bank of Canada05/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board report to shareholders on the hiring of persons with arrest or incarceration records Adobe Inc20/04/2023AgainstCurrent policies and practices are considered adequate
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board disclose how it assess and mitigates human rights risk in connection with clients who own multi family residential propertiesToronto-Dominion Bank20/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board amend its environmental and social risk process for non retail lending business linesToronto-Dominion Bank20/04/2023AgainstCurrent disclosure is considered adequate
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Bank adopt a policy on an annual advisory vote on environmental and climate action planToronto-Dominion Bank20/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Bank make clear its commitment to continue to invest in oil and gas sectorToronto-Dominion Bank14/04/2023AgainstThe proposal is not aligned with the Company’s Net Zero ambition
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request that the Board review executive compensation levels in relation to entire workforceToronto-Dominion Bank20/04/2023ForConcerns held with current Remuneration policy. Adoption would further align the Company with global best practice
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board report the transition planToronto-Dominion Bank20/04/2023AgainstCurrent disclosure is considered adequate
Shareholder RightsShareholder RightsTo request that the Board adopt a mandatory arbitration bylawJohnson & Johnson Inc27/04/2023AgainstThe proposal is not considered to be in shareholders’ best interests
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders on vaccine pricingJohnson & Johnson Inc27/04/2023ForCurrent policies and processes are considered adequate.
Shareholder RightsShareholder RightsTo request that the Board adopt a mandatory arbitration bylaw for disputes between a stockholder and the corporation.Johnson & Johnson Inc28/04/2023AgainstIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request that the Board adopt an Executive Compensation Adjustment PolicyJohnson & Johnson Inc27/04/2023ForThe proposal could increase alignment with executives and shareholders’ interests and enhance the robustness of the executive remuneration programme
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders on the impact of extended patent exclusivities on product accessJohnson & Johnson Inc27/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of the Chairman being an independent directorChurch & Dwight Co Inc27/04/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Remuneration Committee set performance conditions for pay equity disclosureIntuitive Surgical Inc27/04/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request the shareholder ratification of excessive termination payExpeditors International of Washington Inc02/05/2023ForConcerns held with current Remuneration policy and potentially excessive severance provisions. The adoption of this proposal may lead to: strengthening in shareholders rights;  alignment between executive compensation and shareholder interest; as well as increased compliance with best practice
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the diversity, equity and inclusion effortsExpeditors International of Washington Inc02/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of the Chairman being an independent directorBristol-Myers Squibb Co02/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on workplace non-discrimination auditBristol-Myers Squibb Co02/05/2023AgainstThe proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. Current board diversity policies are considered adequate. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances
Shareholder RightsGeneral Meeting ProceduresTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on meeting improvementsBristol-Myers Squibb Co28/04/2023ForThe proposal is considered to be in the best interests of shareholders generally
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of the Chairman being an independent directorOmnicom Group Inc02/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders on transferring intellectual propertyModerna Inc03/05/2023AgainstCompany’s current policy and processes are considered adequate
Shareholder RightsShareholder RightsTo request the Board to eliminate the dual class voting structure in favour of one-share one voteUnited Parcel Service Inc04/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request the Board adopt independently verified science based GHG emissions reduction targetsUnited Parcel Service Inc04/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy on Climate risk
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders on including GHG emission reductions targets into executive compensationUnited Parcel Service Inc04/05/2023ForCurrent Remuneration practices are not considered aligned with best practice. No disclosures to indicate that the Remuneration Committee considers ESG issues when setting performance targets for incentive remuneration
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders on the impact of climate change strategyUnited Parcel Service Inc04/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board report to shareholders on risks or costs caused by state policies restricting reproductive rightsUnited Parcel Service Inc04/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board report to shareholders on DE&I policies on civil rightsUnited Parcel Service Inc04/05/2023AgainstThe proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the Board report to shareholders on diversity, equity and inclusion effortsUnited Parcel Service Inc04/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. Proposal will improve corporate disclosure
BoardElection RulesTo request that the Board adopt a policy to nominate at least one more candidate than the number of directors to be electedGilead Sciences Inc04/05/2023AgainstCurrent proxy access provisions and other governance arrangements considered in line with best practice
Shareholder RightsGeneral Meeting ProceduresTo request that the Board amend the governing documents to give street name shares and non street name shares an equal right to call a stockholder meetingGilead Sciences04/05/2023ForThe proposal is considered to be in the best interests of shareholders generally
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the Board report to shareholders on the impact of extended patent exclusivities on product accessGilead Sciences Inc04/05/2023AgainstCompany’s current policy is considered adequate
Shareholder RightsGeneral Meeting ProceduresTo request the Board to amend the governing documents to remove the supermajority voting provisionsAbbvie Inc05/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on the Company’s political spendingAbbvie Inc05/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on lobbyingAbbvie Inc05/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on patent processAbbvie Inc05/05/2023ForProposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC Voting policy.
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board reports to shareholders on how the Company manages physical and transitional climate-related risks and opportunitiesBerkshire Hathaway Inc06/05/2023ForCurrent disclosure is not considered sufficient. Increased transparency is considered to be in shareholders” best interests
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board reports to shareholders on climate-related risksBerkshire Hathaway Inc06/05/2023ForCurrent disclosure is not considered sufficient. Increased transparency is considered to be in shareholders” best interests
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on how the Company intends to measure, disclose and reduce GHG emissions associated with its underwriting, insuring and investment activitiesBerkshire Hathaway Inc06/05/2023ForCurrent disclosure is not considered sufficient. Increased transparency is considered to be in shareholders” best interests
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Corporation’s diversity, equity and inclusion effortsBerkshire Hathaway Inc06/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of separating the roles of Chairperson and Chief Executive OfficerBerkshire Hathaway Inc06/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request the Board avoid supporting or taking a public policy position on controversial social and political issuesBerkshire Hathaway Inc06/05/2023AgainstThe Company’s current policies are considered adequate
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of the Chairman being an independent directorDanaher Corp09/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the company’s diversity, equity and inclusion effortsDanaher Corp09/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on government request to remove contentVerizon Communications Inc11/05/2023AgainstCurrent disclosure is considered sufficient
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders to Prohibit political contributionsVerizon Communications Inc11/05/2023ForThe proposal is aligned with NILGOSC policy.  NILGOSC does not support payments or donations to any politically-related entity
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders to amend Clawback policyVerizon Communications Inc11/05/2023ForThe proposal is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on ratification of annual equity awards.Verizon Communications Inc11/05/2023ForConcerns with current Remuneration policy. The adoption of this proposal may lead to: strengthening in shareholders rights;  alignment between executive compensation and shareholder interest; as well as increased compliance with best practice
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of the Chairman being an independent directorVerizon Communications Inc11/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on key-person riskTesla Inc16/05/2023AgainstCurrent policies and processes are considered sufficient
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the holding of a non-binding vote on pay equity disclosureDexCom Inc18/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The adoption of this proposal may lead to increased compliance with best practice
BoardBoard CompositionTo amend the Bylaws so as to require that the Chairman of the Board shall be an independent directorAT&T Inc18/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on racial equity auditAT&T Inc18/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on business operations in ChinaMerck & Co Inc23/05/2023AgainstCompany’s current approach is considered sufficient
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the Board reports to shareholders regarding access to COVID-19 productsMerck & Co Inc23/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders regarding indirect political spendingMerck & Co Inc23/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders regarding patents and accessMerck & Co Inc23/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request that the Board reports to shareholders regarding a congruency report of partnerships with globalist organizationsMerck & Co Inc23/05/2023AgainstThe proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances.
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of separating the roles of Chairperson and Chief Executive OfficerMerck & Co Inc23/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the board report to shareholders on retirement plan Inc24/05/2023AgainstCurrent options are considered appropriate
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the board report to shareholders on customer due Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. Current disclosure could be improved.
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the board report to shareholders on content and product removal/ Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityEthical Business PracticesTo request that the board report to shareholders on content removal Inc24/05/2023AgainstThe preceding proposal is considered to better address the issues. This proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request the board report additionally on stakeholder Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityOther ESGTo request that the board report alternatively on Inc24/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy. NILGOSC believes companies should take account of widely accepted reporting standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the board report to shareholders on climate Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. Current disclosure could be improved.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the board report to shareholders on gender/racial Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request an analysis of costs associated with diversity, equity and inclusion Inc24/05/2023AgainstThe proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances.
Shareholder RightsShareholder RightsTo request an amendment to the Bylaws to require shareholder approval for certain future Inc24/05/2023AgainstCurrent bylaws are in line with best practice.  The proposal is not considered necessary
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the board report additionally on freedom of Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request that the board adopt a new policy regarding executive compensation Inc24/05/2023ForConcerns held with current Remuneration policy. Adoption would further align the Company with global best practice.
SustainabilityAnimal WelfareTo request that the board report to shareholders on animal welfare Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
BoardBoard CommitteeTo request an additional board Inc24/05/2023AgainstCurrent policies and processes are considered sufficient
BoardNomination & SuccessionTo request an alternative director candidate Inc24/05/2023ForThe proposal aligns with NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the board report to shareholders on warehouse working Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the board report to shareholders on packaging Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request that the board report to shareholders on customer use of certain Inc24/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. Current disclosure could be improved.
BoardDirectors – ElectTo re-elect as a director, Vincent J. IntrieriIllumina Inc25/05/2023AgainstVoted with Board recommendation
BoardDirectors – ElectTo re-elect as a director, Jesse A. LynnIllumina Inc25/05/2023AgainstVoted with Board recommendation
BoardDirectors – ElectTo re-elect as a director, Andrew J. TenoIllumina Inc25/05/2023AgainstVoted with Board recommendation
SustainabilityAnimal WelfareTo request that the Board reports to shareholders on cage-free eggs progress disclosureDollar General Corp31/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
Shareholder RightsGeneral Meeting ProceduresTo request the Board to take the steps necessary to amend the Bylaws so that shareholders may call a special shareholder meetingDollar General Corp31/05/2023AgainstCurrent bylaws are considered to comply with best practice
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on worker safety and well-beingDollar General Corp31/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo request that the Remuneration Committee establish a Policy Regarding Worker Pay in Executive CompensationWalmart Inc31/05/2023ForConcerns held with current Remuneration policy. Adoption would further align the Company with global best practice.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Human Rights Due DiligenceWalmart Inc31/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Racial Equity AuditWalmart Inc31/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Racial and Gender Layoff DiversityWalmart Inc31/05/2023AgainstThe proposal is at odds with generally accepted investor principles. The request could be interpreted as favouring political agendas and allegiances.
Shareholder RightsShareholder RightsTo request the Board to Require Shareholder Approval of Certain Future Bylaw AmendmentsWalmart Inc31/05/2023AgainstCurrent practices are considered appropriate. The proposal is not considered necessary
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Reproductive Rights and Data PrivacyWalmart Inc31/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Communist China Risk AuditWalmart Inc31/05/2023AgainstCompany’s current approach is considered sufficient
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on Workplace Safety & Violence ReviewWalmart Inc31/05/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
Shareholder RightsGeneral Meeting ProceduresTo request the Board to take the steps necessary to amend the Bylaws so that shareholders may call a special shareholder meetingNetflix Inc01/06/2023ForThe proposal, if enacted, would significantly improve shareholder rights.
BoardOther Board/Director relatedTo request the Board to take the steps necessary to amend the Bylaws as necessary, forbidding Company directors from simultaneously sitting on the boards of directors of other companiesNetflix Inc01/06/2023AgainstCurrent policy is considered to be appropriate and aligned with NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on the company’s 401(k) planNetflix Inc01/06/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. Concerns held with current level of sustainability related disclosure.
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to adopt Policy on Freedom of AssociationNetflix Inc01/06/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on independent racial equity auditComcast Corp07/06/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure.
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request that the Board reports to shareholders on climate risk in default retirement plan optionsComcast Corp07/06/2023ForThe Company taking on increased responsibility regarding its environmental impact and the associated risks is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests
SustainabilityEnvironmental PracticesTo request the Board to adopt policies to reduce emissionsComcast Corp07/06/2023ForCurrent sustainability related disclosures are considered inadequate. Increased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests
Political ActivityPolitical ActivityTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on the Company’s political donationsComcast Corp07/06/2023ForIncreased transparency is considered to be in shareholders’ best interests. The proposal will improve corporate disclosure
SustainabilityHuman Rights & WorkforceTo request the Board to prepare a report to shareholders on business in ChinaComcast Corp07/06/2023AgainstCurrent disclosure is considered adequate
BoardBoard CompositionTo request that the Board establish a policy of separating the roles of Chairperson and Chief Executive OfficerTarget Corp Inc14/06/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy
Shareholder RightsShareholder RightsTo request that the Board to amend our bylawsWorkday Inc22/06/2023ForThe proposal could enhance shareholders’ rights. Concerns held with current Governance practices
CapitalShare Buybacks & Return of CapitalTo request the Company make market purchases of its own sharesSecom Co Ltd27/06/2023AgainstCurrent disclosure is considered adequate
RemunerationRemuneration – OtherTo propose the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation regarding shareholding requirement for directorsSecom Co Ltd27/06/2023ForThe introduction of a shareholder guideline/requirement is consistent with international good practice
BoardBoard CompositionTo propose the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation regarding director composition to be majority outside directorsSecom Co Ltd27/06/2023ForThe proposal aligns with best practice and NILGOSC policy