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Children’s pensions

Eligible children are entitled to children's pensions.

Eligible children are your children. They must, at the date of your death:

  • be your natural child (who must be born within 12 months of your death), or 
  • be your adopted child, or
  • be your step-child or a child accepted by you as a member of your family (this doesn’t include a child you sponsor for charity) and be dependent on you.

Eligible children must meet the following conditions: 

  • be under age 18, or be aged between 18 and 22 (inclusive) and in full-time education or vocational training, or
  • be unable to engage in gainful employment because of physical or mental impairment and either has not reached the age of 23 or the impairment is, in the opinion of NILGOSC’s Independent Registered Medical Practitioner, likely to be permanent and the child was dependent on you at the date of your death because of mental or physical impairment.

If your pension is made up of several parts of membership the total pension payable is the sum of pension relating to each part. The pension payable to a child is also calculated in a similar way as set out below:

Death of a pensioner (retired after 31 March 2015)

If a widow’s, widower’s, civil partner’s or eligible cohabiting partner’s pension is payable then one child receives a pension of:

For membership from 1 April 2015

  • Your accrued pension recalculated as if it had built up at a rate of 1/320th (including any enhancement given on ill-health grounds), plus
  • 49/320th of the amount of any pension credited to your pension account following a transfer in

For membership before 1 April 2015 

  • 1/320th of your final pay x period of membership up to 31 March 2015 on which your pension is based

Two or more children receive a pension shared equally between them of:

For membership from 1 April 2015

  • Your accrued pension recalculated as if it had built up at a rate of 1/160th (including any enhancement given on ill-health grounds), plus
  • 49/160th of the amount of any pension credited to your pension account following a transfer in 

For membership before 1 April 2015  1/160th of your final pay x period of membership up to 31 March 2015 on which your pension is based

If no widow’s, widower’s, civil partner’s or eligible cohabiting partner’s pension is payable then the children’s pensions are payable at an increased rate:

One child receives a pension of:

For membership from 1 April 2015

  • Your accrued pension recalculated as if it had built up at a rate of 1/240th (including any enhancement given on ill-health grounds), plus
  • 49/240th of the amount of any pension credited to your pension account following a transfer in 

For membership before 1 April 2015

  • 1/240th of your final pay x period of membership up to 31 March 2015 on which your pension is based

Two or more children receive a pension shared equally between them of:

For membership from 1 April 2015

  • Your accrued pension recalculated as if it had built up at a rate of 1/120th (including any enhancement given on ill-health grounds), plus
  • 49/120th of the amount of any pension credited to your pension account following a transfer in 

For membership before 1 April 2015  1/120th of your final pay x period of membership up to 31 March 2015 on which your pension is based

Death of a pensioner (retired between 1 April 2009 and 31 March 2015)

If a widow’s, widower’s, civil partner’s or eligible cohabiting partner’s pension is payable then one child receives a pension of:

  • 1/320 x deceased’s final pay x deceased’s total membership

Two or more children receive a pension shared equally between them of:

  • 1/160 x deceased’s final pay x deceased’s total membership

If no widow’s, widower’s, civil partner’s or eligible cohabiting partner’s pension is payable then the children’s pensions are payable at an increased rate:

One child receives a pension of:

  • 1/240 x deceased’s final pay x deceased’s total membership

Two or more children receive a pension shared equally between them of:

  • 1/120 x deceased’s final pay x deceased’s total membership

Death of a pensioner (retired before 1 April 2009)

A short-term child’s pension :

Only payable if there is no surviving widow, widower or civil partner or the child is not in their care.  In this case the short-term pension is payable at the deceased member’s pension rate for three months from the date of death.  It is payable for six months if there is no surviving widow, widower or civil partner.

A long-term child’s pension:

Payable after the short-term pension ends, is calculated on a minimum of ten years’ membership and is payable as follows:

If there is a surviving widow, widower or civil partner one child receives a pension of:

  • 1/4 x pension payable at date of death

Two or more children receive a pension shared equally between them of:

  • 1/2 x pension payable at date of death

If no widow’s, widower’s, civil partner’s or eligible cohabiting partner’s pension is payable the following pensions are payable:

One child receives a pension of:

  • 1/3 x pension payable at date of death

Two or more children receive a pension shared equally between them of:

  • 2/3 x pension payable at date of death