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Claiming your deferred benefits

Details for claiming your benefits as a deferred member.

Your deferred benefits are normally payable at your Normal Pension Age.

Your Normal Pension Age is the same as your State Pension Age (but with a minimum of age 65). Your benefits can be paid earlier at your request or due to ill-health.  They can also be paid later than your Normal Pension Age.

NILGOSC will normally issue retirement claim forms to your home address approximately three months before your benefits are payable.  Please remember to keep NILGOSC informed of any address changes, to ensure that we have your most recent address on record for this purpose.

It is your responsibility to return the completed claim forms in advance of the date on which they become payable, otherwise, payment of your pension benefits may be delayed. If you do not retire at your normal pension age there are specific rules relating to the other types of retirement which may be available to you.

Frequently asked questions

Can I take my deferred benefit early?

You can elect to retire and receive your deferred benefits from age 55 onwards.

If you retire between age 55 and your normal pension age your benefits may be reduced to take account of their early payment and the fact that your pension will be payable for longer. 

The reduction is calculated in accordance with guidance issued by the Government Actuary’s Department.  The reduction is based on the length of time (in years and days) between the date your benefits are paid and your Normal Pension Age.  If you joined the Scheme before 1 October 2006 you may have some protections from reductions under the Rule of 85

As a guide, the percentage reductions, for retirements up to 13 years early are shown in the table below. Where the number of years is not exact, the reduction percentages are adjusted accordingly. 

Number of Years Paid EarlyPension ReductionLump Sum Reduction
 *As automatic retirement grants were removed from the Scheme on 1 April 2009 and due to the protections in place regarding Normal Pension Age (NPA), a Retirement Grant is paid from age 65 without reductions i.e. the early retirement reductions cannot exceed those that apply for 10 years early.

If you are aged 55 or over and wish to claim your deferred benefits, you should contact NILGOSC for a quotation.

Can I apply for early payment of deferred benefits because of ill-health?

If you are permanently ill before you start receiving your deferred benefits, you can apply for early payment of your deferred benefits at any time before your Normal Pension Age (NPA), without reduction.

If you left the Scheme:

  • Before 1 June 2005 and had at least one year’s Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to NILGOSC’s Independent Registered Medical Practitioner’s (IRMP) certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme.
  • Between 1 June 2005 and 31 March 2009 and had at least three month’s Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to the IRMP’s certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme.
  • After 31 March 2009 and had at least one year’s Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to the IRMP’s certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme. You must also have a reduced likelihood of being capable of undertaking any gainful employment before reaching normal pension age.
  • After 31 March 2015 and had at least two years’ Scheme membership, your benefits will be payable subject to the IRMP’s certification that the illness is permanent and you are permanently incapable of the job you were working in when you left the Scheme. You must also have a reduced likelihood of being capable of undertaking any gainful employment before reaching normal pension age.

Gainful employment is paid employment for at least thirty hours per week for a minimum period of twelve months.

If you wish to apply for ill-health retirement, you can apply to NILGOSC in writing, accompanied by a current medical certificate stating the permanency of the illness and by completing an Ill-Health Medical Examination Request Form for a Deferred Member (305KB, PDF). Please also provide as much medical evidence as possible to support your application.

Can I delay drawing my deferred benefits?

If you left the Scheme before 6 April 2006, you are unable to defer drawing your deferred benefits. We will pay your pension when you reach your Normal Pension Age (NPA).

If you left the Scheme after 5 April 2006, you have the option to delay payment of your deferred benefits after your NPA. If you draw your pension after your NPA, it will be increased for each day your pension is delayed beyond your NPA to reflect the fact that it will be paid for a shorter time. Your pension has to be paid by your 75th birthday. 

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