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Death benefits

The Scheme provides protection for your family in the event of your death.

Protection for you and your Family Video Transcript (108KB, PDF)

If you die as a deferred member of the Scheme the type and amount of benefit payable depends on the date you left the Scheme and whether your dependants qualify for a pension.  The following benefits may be payable:

  • A lump sum death grant
    The death grant payable depends on the date you stopped being an active member of the Scheme.
  • Widow’s pension 
    If you are married and die and are survived by your widow, your widow is entitled to a pension.
  • Widower’s pension
    If you are married and die and are survived by your widower, your widower may be entitled to a survivor’s pension.
  • Civil partner’s pension
    Pensions for civil partners were introduced into the Scheme in February 2006.  Your civil partner will be entitled to a survivor’s pension.
  • Eligible cohabiting partner’s pension
    Pensions for eligible cohabiting partners were introduced from 1 April 2009 but these only apply to you if you were an active contributing member to the Scheme from 1 April 2009.
  • Children’s pensions
    Your eligible children are entitled to children’s pensions.