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Widowers’ pensions

If a married deferred member dies and is survived by her or his widower, the widower may be entitled to a survivor's pension.

The calculation of the pension depends on when the deceased spouse left the Scheme and whether the marriage took place before or after the member left active membership.

A widower’s pension could be made up of several parts in relation to his spouse’s different periods of membership.  The total pension payable is the sum of pension relating to each part. 

Death of a deferred member (left the Scheme after 31 March 2015)

Widower’s pension = deceased’s accrued pension (including pensions increases) for membership in the Scheme after 31 March 2015 recalculated as if it had built up at a rate of 1/160th


any 2009 Scheme survivor pension relating to membership prior to 1 April 2015.

Death of a deferred member (left the Scheme between 1 August 2000 and 31 March 2015)

Widower’s pension =1/160 x deceased’s final pay x deceased’s total membership* up to 31 March 2015.

If the marriage occurred after leaving, the widower’s pension is based on membership after 5 April 1978 only (plus any relevant additional membership) 

* plus pensions increases

Death of a deferred member (left the Scheme between 6 April 1988 and 31 July 2000)

Widower’s pension = ½ x deceased’s deferred member’s pension*. 

*plus pensions increases

EXCEPT Please Note:

  • If the marriage took place whilst the member was an active member of the Scheme, only membership after 5 April 1988 is taken into account.
  • If the marriage took place after the member became a deferred member of the Scheme, only membership after 5 April 1978 is taken into account, except where regulation F11 of the 2000 Regulations applies.

Death of a deferred member (left the Scheme before 6 April 1988)

No widower’s pension is payable.