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Widows’ pensions

If a married deferred member dies and is survived by his or her widow, the widow is entitled to a pension.

The calculation will depend on her late spouse’s date of leaving the Scheme and whether the marriage took place before or after the member left active membership of the Scheme.

A widow’s pension could be made up of several parts in relation to her spouse’s different periods of membership.  The total pension payable is the sum of pension relating to each part.

Death of a deferred member (left the Scheme after 31 March 2015)

Widow’s pension = deceased’s accrued pension (including pensions increases) for membership in the Scheme after 31 March 2015 recalculated as if it had built up at a rate of 1/160th


any 2009 Scheme survivor pension relating to membership prior to 1 April 2015.

Death of a deferred member (left the Scheme between 1 April 2009 and 31 March 2015)

Widow’s pension = 1/160 x deceased’s final pay x deceased’s total membership up to 31 March 2015.

If marriage occurred after leaving the long-term pension is calculated on the deceased’s post 5 April 1978 membership only.

*plus pensions increases 

Death of a deferred member (left the Scheme before 1 April 2009)

Widow’s pension = ½ x deceased deferred member’s retirement pension*.

If marriage occurred after leaving, the widow’s pension is calculated as:
½ x deceased deferred member’s pension in respect of post 5 April 1978 membership only.

*plus pensions increases