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Let’s stay connected

We want to make sure all our deferred members can access important information about the Scheme and about their benefits.

You are a deferred member if you are not paying contributions at present but have built up benefits in the Scheme and have not yet claimed your pension.  

How to get back in touch

You can reconnect with NILGOSC by registering for My NILGOSC Pension Online.

Registering for My NILGOSC Pension Online

You can get online in 4 easy steps:

  • Click on ‘I have never had an online account and would like to create one’
  • Confirm your surname, date of birth and National Insurance number
  • If we already have your email address you can complete your registration by creating a password. If we do not have your email address you can either phone us so that we can add it to our system or we can send an activation key to your home address which you can use to complete your registration.

If you are registered but have forgotten your password, please:

Your Email Address

Please give us your email address and keep it up to date.

To give us your email address you can register for My NILGOSC Pension Online (as described above) which will automatically update our system with your email address. 

Alternatively, you can telephone our office on 0345 3197 325  between 9am and 5pm. 

If you need to update your email address, please:

  • Log in to My NILGOSC Pension Onlineclick ‘Details and Settings’, then click on ‘Manage my personal details’ and finally click on ‘Edit contact details’.
  • Contact our Admin Team on 0345 3197 320

Receiving communications by post

If you wish to receive all communications by post then you have to let us know in one of these ways:

If you do not tell us that you prefer to have communications by post, you will only be able to access information about your benefits and the Scheme through my NILGOSC Pension Online.

Keeping your personal details up to date

Please check your record with us from time to time and keep us up to date with any changes in your postal address, email address and your personal circumstances. 

If you have not made an Expression of Wish in respect of any death grant payable in the event of your death, we encourage you to do that now and to update any existing Expression of Wish if your circumstances or wishes change.