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Boosting your pension

You can pay extra to increase your pension.

The different options for members are listed below:

Additional Pension Contributions (APCs)

You can buy additional pension of up to £8,675 per year (2024/25 figures).


Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) are a way of topping up your NILGOSC pension and can be paid through the in-house AVC provider, Prudential.


Free Standing Additional Voluntary Contributions (FSAVCs)

Free Standing Additional Voluntary Contributions (FSAVCs) work in much the same way as AVCs, however, there are some important differences.


Concurrent pensions

You may be able to make your own arrangements to pay into a personal pension plan or stakeholder pension scheme (defined contribution schemes) at the same time as paying into the Scheme (defined benefit scheme).

Concurrent pensions

Purchase additional years

This option is no longer available for new contracts, but if you were a member of the Scheme before 1 April 2009 you may have elected to purchase additional years.

Purchase additional years

Additional Regular Contributions (ARCs)

This option is no longer available for new contracts, but if you were a member of the Scheme before 1 April 2015 you may have chosen to purchase Additional Regular Contributions (ARCs).

Additional Regular Contributions (ARCs)