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What happens if I am separated from my spouse or civil partner?

While you are separated, your spouse or civil partner continue to be entitled to survivor’s benefits.  You may wish to update your Expression of Wish form so that NILGOSC is aware of your wishes for payment of any death grant.

What happens if I get divorced or my civil partnership is dissolved?

If you get divorced or your civil partnership is dissolved your ex-partner is no longer entitled to survivor’s benefits.

If your Scheme benefits are subject to a Pension Sharing Order or Earmarking Order your benefits will be reduced in accordance with the Court Order or Agreement.

If you remarry, enter into a new civil partnership or nominate a cohabiting partner to receive a survivior’s pension, any pension payable following your death will be reduced to take account of the pension share.  Benefits payable to eligible children will not be reduced because of a pension share.

Can I assign my benefits to someone else?

You cannot assign your pension benefits to someone else nor use them as security for a loan.