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Lump sum death grant

The death grant payable for deferred members depends on the date the member stopped being an active member of the Scheme.

Leaver from 1 April 2009 onwards

  • Death grant = 5 x deferred annual pension plus pensions increases. 

Leaver before 1 April 2009

  • Death grant = 3 x deferred annual pension

NB. If you leave with deferred benefits and are also an active member when you die only the highest death grant is payable i.e. either

  • A lump sum death grant in respect of your deferred benefits, or
  • A death in service lump sum of three times your assumed pensionable pay

Expression of Wish

You can complete and return an LGS20 – Expression of Wish form (1.89MB, PDF) to NILGOSC to tell us who you would like to receive any death grant. A new form must be completed if your marital or partnership circumstances change. You are strongly advised to complete a death grant expression of wish form.