Form Name | Title | Employer Guidance | Deadline to return to NILGOSC | NILGOSC Procedure |
SS1 (Not needed if using i-Connect) | New Member Spreadsheet | Spreadsheets should be sent to: Contribution rate is based on the actual pay for the post Employers to complete these spreadsheets when new members join. | Within 2 months of joining | NILGOSC will register the member on our system and send a welcome letter to the member, including how to access My NILGOSC Pension Online where they can find documentation to be completed should they wish to transfer previous pension benefits to the Scheme. The employer receives the confirmed member spreadsheet with pension reference number to be used |
LGS2 | Opt-out Notice | If an employee wishes to opt out of the Scheme they must complete this form. Section A must be completed and returned to their employer and Sections B and C should be completed and returned to NILGOSC. | Submit the details on the electronic Opt-Out Spreadsheet SS2 within 1 month. If the employee has more than 3 month’s membership you must also submit form LGS15 within 20 working days of the date of leaving. | |
SS2 (Not needed if using i-Connect) | Opt-out Spreadsheet | Employer to complete this spreadsheet when an employee opts out. Spreadsheets should be sent to: | Within one month of the effective date of opting out | |
LGS6 | Monthly Remittances | This is a summary of all employee and employer contributions which should be completed on a monthly basis and emailed to our Finance Department at At year end, the information on these forms will be matched against the Annual Return and any discrepancies investigated. | Payment is due on the first working day of the month following the month to which the contributions relate. Form LGS6 must be submitted to NILGOSC by the date of payment. | |
LGS13 | Waiving Reduction | For employer to complete This form should be used to notify NILGOSC of an employer’s wish to exercise its discretion to waive members’ reductions or apply the Rule of 85 on early retirement before age 60. This will result in a cost to the employer. | Within 3 months of anticipated retirement date | NILGOSC will invoice the employer |
LGS15 | Leaver’s Form | To be completed for all leavers, i.e. entitled to immediate benefits, not entitled to immediate benefits, death in service, refund or moving to another employer in the Scheme. All sections of the form must be completed with details of leaving, details of pay and contributions. Any award of additional benefits, waiver of any reductions or applying the Rule of 85 should be confirmed on this form (and on Form LGS13) and must be in accordance with your policy statement. If there is a change in pay after leaving a revised LGS15 should be submitted. LGS15 forms should be sent to | To be submitted to NILGOSC within 20 working days of leaving. | NILGOSC will use these details to pay out any refund, pension, lump sum or death grant due, or to calculate the deferred benefits payable when member reaches retirement age. NILGOSC will invoice the employer for any strain cost. |
LGS16 | Advance notification of impending retirement | To be completed by employer to outline the circumstances of a retirement. LGS16 forms should be sent to | To be submitted to NILGOSC three months before the intended date of retirement. | NILGOSC will issue retirement quotation to member so that they can consider the amount of pension and lump sum they wish to receive. |
LGS17 | Employer request for a quotation | To be completed by employer to request pension benefit and capital cost figures. Should be sent to: admin1post.incomingemails@ | To be submitted to NILGOSC three months before the intended date of retirement. | NILGOSC will issue retirement quotation to the employer. |
SS17 | Bulk quotation request spreadsheet | To be completed by employer to request bulk quotations for members aged between 55 and 65 e.g. bulk redundancy quotations. | To be submitted to NILGOSC three months before the intended date of retirement. | NILGOSC will issue a spreadsheet to the employer listing the pension benefits and capital costs to release the benefits to the members. |
LGS19 | Notification of Death | To be completed by the employer in the event of the death of an employee. | Within 5 days of the date of death | |
LGS8 | Transfer in Request | For member to complete This form is included in the membership pack which is sent to a new member. Should be sent to: admin1post. | Within 12 months of joining | NILGOSC will request a transfer value from the previous provider and will issue a transfer quotation to the member. |
LGS9 | Past Service Enquiry | For individual to complete This form enables a member to query whether they had a previous period of service. Should be sent to: admin1post.incoming | As soon as query arises | NILGOSC will try to trace any previous benefits or refunds and will respond to the individual |
LGS10 | Previous employment history | For member to complete. This form enables NILGOSC to determine whether there is a five year qualifying break in public sector service. Should be sent to: admin1post.incoming | n/a | NILGOSC will offer relevant transfer in or aggregation options on receipt of completed form |
LGS11 | Election to re-join the main section | For member to complete. On receipt of this form the employer should put the member back in the main section from the beginning of the next pay period. Should be sent to: admin1post. | Complete SS11 and forward to NILGOSC as per below | n/a |
SS11 | Transfer to Main Section | For employer to complete. The employer should use this spread- sheet to notify NILGOSC of movements to the main section. | Within 1 month of the election taking place | NILGOSC will update its records |
LGS12 | Transfer to 50/50 Section | For member to complete. On receipt of this form the employer should put the member back in the main section from the beginning of the next pay period. Should be sent to: admin1post. | Complete SS12 and forward to NILGOSC as per below | n/a |
SS12 | Transfer to 50/50 Section | For employer to complete. The employer should use this spread- sheet to notify NILGOSC of movements to the main section. | Within 1 month of the election taking place | NILGOSC will update its records |
LGS20 | Expression of Wish | For member to complete. This form is issued to members as part of their new member pack. Should be sent to: admin1post. It allows the member to tell us who they would like to receive any lump sum grant and benefits payable from an AVC taken out after 31 March 2015 in the event of their death. NILGOSC retains complete discretion as to whom this will be paid. | No time frame, but it is of benefit to the member for this to be in as soon as possible. | NILGOSC will register the nomination and will confirm in writing to the member that we have registered the details. |
LGS22A | Ill-health Medical Examination request – active member | To be completed by the employer to request a medical for a member who may be eligible for ill-health retirement. Should be sent to | Must be returned in advance of any date of leaving. | NILGOSC will arrange a medical appointment with our Committee doctor and we will advise member and employer of the decision. If eligible for ill-health retirement, we will ask the employer to complete LGS15 & LGS16. |
LGS22B | Ill-health Medical Examination request – deferred member | To be completed by the deferred member to request a medical. Should be sent to | NILGOSC will arrange a medical appointment with our Committee doctor and we will advise member and employer of the decision. | |
LGS24 | Change in Personal Circumstances | To be completed by the member or employer. Notifies NILGOSC of changes in surname, marital / partnership status, address, email address etc. Should be sent to: admin1post.incoming | As soon as possible after the change occurs. | NILGOSC will amend the employee’s record to reflect the change. |
LGS25 | Change in contractual hours, weeks or employee’s contribution rate | To be completed by the employer. Notifies NILGOSC of any changes in contractual working hours, weeks or contribution rate. Should be sent to: admin1post. | Within 2 months of the change. | NILGOSC will amend the employee’s record to reflect the change. |
LGS27 (A or B) | Additional Pension Contributions (APCs) | For employer and employee to complete This form should be used to notify NILGOSC of a member’s wish to either buy additional pension or to buy back ‘lost’ pension. Should be sent to: admin1post. | ||
LGS34 | Notification of Breaks in employment | To be completed by employer when member commences a period of unpaid leave of more than 30 days, or a career break. Should be sent to: admin1post. | Within 30 working days of commencement of break. | NILGOSC will mark the break on the member’s record. The break will be removed if contributions are paid to cover it. |
LGS35 | Return to work following a break | To be completed by employer when member returns from a period of unpaid leave or a career break. This should detail dates of service break and what arrangements, if any, will be made to collect contributions to cover the break in service. If the period is to be covered Form LGS27B should also be included. Should be sent to: admin1post.incoming | Within 30 days of member’s return to work. | |
SS35 | Service Break Return Spreadsheet | To be completed by employer to inform NILGOSC of strike action, unpaid sick or unpaid leave. | As soon as absence is over | |
LGS40 | Employer signatory and contact details | To be completed by employer to advise NILGOSC of the authorised signatories and contacts for that authority. | As soon as there is any change in signatories or contacts | NILGOSC will update the employer contact details. |
Guidelines for changes in employment and rejoining members
Change in Employment or Scheme Membership | Nature of the Change | Actions | Forms to NILGOSC |
Job type changes / member stays with the same employer | Pay increase | Continuous membership | LGS25 |
Job type changes / member stays with the same employer | Pay decrease | Continuous membership | LGS25 |
Member stays with the same employer | Change in contract from full-time/part-time permanent to casual and the employer does not consider the change to be continuous employment | Change is NOT considered continuous employment Deferred benefits (more than 2 years membership) New file created on re-joining with options to combine and transfer in | LGS15 SS1 |
Member stays with the same employer | Term-time member leaves at end of June (contract ends) and rejoins September (new contract) | Deferred benefits (more than 2 years membership) awarded on leaving New file created on rejoining with options to combine and transfer in | LGS15 SS1 |
Member stays with the same employer | Term-time member leaves at end of June (contract ends) and re-joins September (new contract) | NILGOSC refunds any contributions due (less than 2 years membership) New file created on re-joining however NILGOSC will later combine with previous refund account and new file will be deleted | LGS15 SS1 |
Member stays with the same employer | Career break | Active membership continues No option to transfer in on returning | LGS34 LGS35 |
Member stays with the same employer | Break in service | Continuous membership. No transfer option given on returning to work | LGS34 LGS35 |
Member moves to a new employing authority | No change in pay/pay increase/pay decrease | Deferred benefits awarded on leaving New file created with options to combine and transfer in | LGS15 SS1 |
Member moves to a new employing authority | Break in service | Deferred benefits awarded on leaving New file created with options to combine and transfer in | LGS15 SS1 |
Education Authority member moves to another Region within the Education Authority | No change in pay/pay increase/pay decrease | Continuous membership | LGS36 (no need for LGS15 and SS1) |
Member opts out of scheme | Opts back in | Deferred benefits awarded on leaving New file created on opting back in (with options to combine only if opted out before 01/04/15). No transfer option given unless the member is still within 12 months of the initial date of joining, or had less than 12 months membership in the Scheme. | LGS15, LGS2 SS1 |
Commences additional separate employment (multi – jobber) | New genuine concurrent post | New file created with options to transfer in | SS1 |
Ceases additional separate employment (multi – jobber) | End of concurrent post (more than 2 years) | Deferred benefits combined with continuing post, unless member elects to keep them separate | LGS15 |
Ceases additional separate employment (multi – jobber) | End of concurrent post (less than 2 years) | Benefits must be combined with continuing post. If more than 1 post is continuing, member must choose which one to aggregate | LGS15 |
Member stays with the same employer | Seasonal employment | Continuous membership (until contract ends then deferred benefits awarded on leaving) | No forms required until end of contract then LGS15 |
Member commences reserve forces leave | No longer receiving pay from scheme employer | Continuous membership No transfer option given on returning to scheme employer | LGS34 LGS35 |
Member stays with the same employer but is made redundant in one post and re-employed in a different post with the same Scheme employer | End of one post due to redundancy and re-employed in a different post from the one in which made redundant | Deferred benefits awarded on leaving if under age 55 or immediate payment of benefits if aged 55 or over. New file created with options to combine (deferred benefits only) and transfer in | LGS15 SS1 |