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Annual Benefit Statement FAQs

Why is the value of my pension benefits on my statement shown as zero?

Your statement only takes into consideration the benefits that you have built up to 31 March 2024. If you joined the Scheme close to the 31 March 2024 your pay and contribution information for the 2023/24 year may not have been available at the date your employer closed their March payroll. Therefore, you have no pension contributions recorded for the year ending 31 March 2024. 

If you are a casual worker the value of your pension benefits on your statement may be shown as zero because you joined the Scheme after 1 April 2015 but have not worked between then and 31 March 2024 and therefore have received no pay and made no pension contributions.

We expect that any contributions you have made since joining the Scheme will be reflected in your next year’s annual benefit statement, which will state values for the benefits that you have built up during 2024/25.

When will my benefits be paid?

Your benefits will be paid to you without any early retirement reductions when you reach your normal pension age, which from 1 April 2015 is the same as your State Pension age.  You can choose to claim your benefits early; however they may be reduced as they will be paid for longer.  You can find more information on our Early Retirement page.

Projections are to my normal pension age, but what would I get if I retired earlier?

You can retire and receive your benefits at any time from age 55* onwards and you do not need your employer’s permission.  If you choose to retire before your normal pension age, your benefits may be reduced as they will be paid for longer. How much your benefits are reduced by depends on how early you draw them. If you are registered with My NILGOSC Pension Online, you can use the benefit projector to see how your benefits will be affected if you decide to retire early.

You may also be able to claim your benefits early in the following circumstances:

  • If you become ill before your benefits are due to be paid, you may be able to access them immediately. To be considered for ill-health benefits, you must have at least two years’ total Scheme membership.  NILGOSC must also be satisfied that you are permanently incapable of doing your own job and have a reduced likelihood of being capable of doing any other job before your normal pension age.
  • If your employer makes you redundant, or you are retired on the grounds of business efficiency, and you are aged 55 or over and meet the two-year qualifying period, your benefits will be paid immediately without any early retirement reductions.

*The national minimum pension age, the earliest age you can access your pension benefits, will be increased from age 55 to age 57 from 6 April 2028.

Can I claim my pension as a one-off lump sum?

If the value of your pension is within the HMRC limits you may be able to have it paid as a one-off taxable lump sum instead of a monthly pension.  You can learn more on our Calculating pension page.

Can I take the lump sum early and leave the pension until later?

No.  You must take your pension and lump sum at the same time. 

How much pension can I exchange for a bigger lump sum?

There are limits to how much pension you can to give up for a bigger lump sum.  If you have registered for My NILGOSC Pension Online, you can use the conversions options in the benefit projector to work out how your pension is affected if you exchange some of your pension for a bigger lump sum. This projector will also allow you to work out the maximum lump sum you can receive. 

Why is there no lump sum shown on my statement?

An automatic lump sum is only applicable for membership built up to 31 March 2009.  If you joined the Scheme after this date you will not be entitled to an automatic lump sum.  However, at retirement you can choose to give up part of your annual pension for a lump sum.

I pay Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs), why are they not shown on my statement?

If you pay Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs), you will receive a separate statement from your AVC provider.

I have received more than one pension benefit statement. Is it possible to combine my records together so that I only receive one statement?

NILGOSC is required to produce a statement for each pension record you have with us.  When you start a new job with any Scheme employer you may have the option to combine your pension records within the first twelve months.  If you have not chosen to combine your records within twelve months they must remain separate and you will therefore receive separate statements.

Why have I received a statement for one of my jobs but not all of them?

Annual benefit statements will be available on My NILGOSC Pension Online, or issued to home addresses in several batches during July/August. If you have not received all of your statements by the beginning of September please contact us.

My personal details are incorrect – what should I do?

If any of your personal details have changed or are shown incorrectly you can log on to your My NILGOSC Pension Online account and update them.  Alternatively, you can complete an LGS24 – Change of Circumstances Form (2.06MB PDF) or telephone us on 0345 3197 325.

I don’t think that my pensionable pay is correct.

Your pay has been provided by your employer.  Any queries concerning this information should be made to your employer.

I have had final salary membership (pre 1 April 2015) for 10 years – why does it only show 5 years’ membership?

If you worked part-time, before 1 April 2015, the membership shown has been adjusted accordingly. E.g. if you work 20 hours per week (and your full-time hours is 40 hours) for 10 years you will build up 5 years’ membership in the Scheme. 

Why does the date I joined the Scheme not match the date that I started my job?

The date of joining is the date you started paying contributions into the scheme.  This may not be the same date that you started employment.

If I leave the Scheme can I re-join again?

You can only re-join the Scheme if you are employed by a Local Government employer.  A list of the employers who participate in our Scheme are shown on our Current employers page.

I have joined a different pension scheme. Can I transfer my benefits to my new scheme?

You may be able to transfer the value of your pension to another occupational pension scheme, personal pension, stakeholder pension scheme or a buy-out insurance policy.

If you are thinking of transferring your benefits, particularly to a personal pension or money purchase arrangement, you may be required to take independent financial advice on transfers and pension scams guidance. You should beware of unauthorised companies.  More information can be found on our Freedom & Choice page or on the following websites:

I have transferred another pension into the Scheme, why is it not shown on my annual benefit statement?

Your pension transfer may not have been fully completed at the time the statement was produced. It should be included on the statement we provide next year.

What happens to my benefits if I die before I receive them?

If you die before receiving your benefits, survivors’ pensions may be payable along with a Lump Sum Death Grant of approximately three times your annual pensionable pay.  Please see Section 5 on your statement for further details.

You can advise us who you would like to receive any death grant using your My NILGOSC Pension Online account or by completing an LGS20 – Expression of Wish Form (1.89MB PDF).

Can my cohabiting partner receive pension benefits?

If you and your partner live together but are not married or in a civil partnership you are known as co-habiting partners. When you die, your co-habiting partner may be eligible for a pension if the conditions below are met.

  • You must be able to marry or form a civil partnership with your partner; and
  • You and your partner must be living together as if you are a married couple or as if you are civil partners; and
  • Neither you nor your cohabiting partner have been living with someone else as if you are a married couple or civil partners; and
  • Either your partner is financially dependent on you or you rely on your joint income to support your standard of living – even if you don’t contribute equally.
Why is the annual pension payable to my spouse, civil partner or eligible cohabiting partner different in Section 2 and Section 5?

If you die as an active member of the Scheme, any pension payable to your spouse, civil partner or eligible cohabiting partner is based on the benefits that you would have built up in the Scheme until your normal pension age. Therefore, the figure shown in the death benefits section has been increased to reflect this. As this enhancement only applies if you die as an active member it is not included in Section 2 – ‘Summary of your pension benefits built up to 31 March 2024’.

Why is the value of my survivors’ pension not shown on the statement?

We will not display a survivor’s pension if your partnership status is currently ‘single’, ‘divorced’ or ‘widowed’. If our records do not show a current partnership status, we have recorded your status as ‘unknown’ and will treat you as ‘married’. Please complete an LGS24 – Change of Circumstances Form (2.06MB PDF) or telephone us on 0345 3197 325 to inform us of any changes to your partnership status.

Do the figures on my statement reflect any changes resulting from the McCloud remedy?

The new rules became law on 1 October 2023 and it is taking time to review the records of all eligible members. If you are eligible, this year’s statements does not reflect any changes due to the McCloud remedy. For further information see The McCloud Remedy – NILGOSC

How do I check my State Pension forecast?

The UK Government recently launched the ‘Check your State Pension Forecast’ digital service – Check your State Pension forecast – GOV.UK ( Here you can find out how much state pension you could get and when you can get it. It also tells you how to check for and fill any gaps in your National Insurance record to help increase your State Pension. To use the service you will need to prove your identity using Government Gateway or register if you have not used it before.