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Automatic enrolment

The Government requires all employers to automatically enrol their workers into a workplace pension if they meet certain requirements.

The LGPS (NI) is a workplace pension and most new employees automatically join the LGPS (NI) when they start employment with one of our Scheme employers.  The only employees who are not automatically brought into the Scheme are those with a contract of employment which is for less than three months.  If you are not already in the Scheme you will automatically join the Scheme under automatic enrolment when you:

  • earn over £10,000 per year,
  • are aged 22 or over and
  • are under State Pension Age.

If you are automatically enrolled you can choose to leave the Scheme by opting out at any time.  More information on opting out is in the ‘Leaving’ Section.

Will I be affected by Automatic Enrolment?

The table below shows the different categories of workers for automatic enrolment.

EarningsAge 16-21Age 22-State Pension AgeStage Pension Age – 75
Under lower earnings threshold (£6,240*)Entitled worker
(can join a qualifying pension scheme)
Entitled worker
(can join a qualifying pension scheme)
Entitled worker
(can join a qualifying pension scheme)
Between £6,240 and £10,000*Non-eligible jobholder
(can opt into the automatic enrolment scheme)
Non-eligible jobholder
(can opt into the automatic enrolment scheme)
Non-eligible jobholder
(can opt into the automatic enrolment scheme)
Over earnings trigger for automatic enrolment (£10,000*)Non-eligible jobholder
(can opt into the automatic enrolment scheme)
Eligible jobholder
(must be automatically enrolled)
Non-eligible jobholder
(can opt into the automatic enrolment scheme)

*2024/25 rates

Eligible Jobholder –  Your employer will automatically enrol you into a pension scheme on or before their staging date, unless they wish to postpone automatic enrolment or use the transitional period, in which case they are required to inform you of their intention to postpone or use the transitional period. 

Non-eligible Jobholder –  Your employer will not automatically enrol you into a pension scheme, but they will advise you of your right to opt in to a pension scheme. If you decide to opt in, your employer will also make pension contributions. 

Entitled Worker – Your employer will not automatically enrol you into a pension scheme, but as an entitled worker, you do have the right to join a pension scheme. Your employer will advise you of your right to join a pension scheme and if you do, they will also make pension contributions.

You may also visit and answer a few short questions to find out if automatic enrolment applies to you. 

Will I be affected by automatic re-enrolment?

Every three years an employer must re-enrol its eligible staff into an automatic enrolment scheme, if they are not already active members.  If you opted out of the Scheme in the 12 months prior to automatic re-enrolment, your employer does not have to re-enrol you.